I’m looking for a really kinky Fleshlight

Kinky Fleshlights

There are so many choices when it comes to the Fleshlight. It has realistic textures and ones made solely for pleasure. Then there are Fleshlights or Fleshlight related products that might make you go: “WTF”, but when you take a closure look, these things are really cool! For example there is the Alien Fleshlight, which you could imagine as some character from some movie that is blue, because the color of this Fleshlight is blue and looks.. well.. Alien! Think Fleshlight meets Avatar.

Anal play products for straight males

Then you have butt play products. What is a butt play product? It’s basically something you shove up your bum for pleasure. But it’s not just for gays! Straight males too will enjoy this product! If you hit your G Spot right, you create an instant orgasm. Try the Aneros GX. You put it in your bum, push it right and bam you get that instant orgasm I was talking about.